The Bras d'Or Stewardship Society is a non-profit organization, established in 1998 under the laws of Nova Scotia, comprised of individuals committed to promoting accountable and responsible stewardship of the Bras d'Or Lakes and their watershed. Our goal is to promote an appropriate strategy for conservation, restoration and protection of the lakes for ourselves and future generations. Concerned individuals in the Bras d'Or and beyond are invited to join and participate in helping the Society achieve its goal. We hope to attain this objective through public meetings, newsletters, educational activities and in general, by bringing environmental issues to the attention of the general public, business and government.
The Bras d'Or Stewardship Society headquarters are located in Baddeck, Nova
Scotia on the island of Cape Breton for legal and organizational purposes. Meetings will be held at different locations, to be publically announced. We can only become a strong organization with the help and co-operation of people who understand the fragile nature of the Bras d'Or Lake as an eco-system.
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