How you can help.

Bras d'Or Watch

     You can report any observed acts, incidents and violations which threaten the integrity of the Bras d'Or Lakes and/or their watershed by calling 1(800) 565-1633 or contacting us through this web site.  We will contact the appropriate authority to address the situation as soon as possible.


Take personal responsibility for your own waste.

     Do you know where it goes; how it is treated?   


     Did you know that human waste from one person, in one day, can contaminate one acre of water and force shellfish closures?

     Because of this the Bras d'Or Stewardship Society was a major player in lobbying efforts aimed at better sewage treatment through upgrades to existing sewage plants and for designation of the Bras d'Or Lakes as a non-discharge zone for boating sewage.




Under development - more to come.

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