

     The Society acts as a watchdog on activities which have a potential effect on the Bras d'Or Lakes and their watershed.  Details regarding its formation can be found on the 'Commentary' page.   A sample of the activities of the Society are:


  • Attending and speaking on behalf of sound stewardship of the Lakes at public meetings and conference
  • Meeting with Regional Director General for Environment Canada regarding discharge of raw sewage into the Lakes
  • Meeting with the Provincial Deputy Minister of the Environment regarding discharge of raw sewage into the Lakes
  • Letter writing to government departments to voice environmental concerns, a few of which were to:


                 *    Federal Minister of the Environment regarding sewage pollution

                 *    N.S. Minister of the Environment and Labour regarding sewage pollution

                 *    N.S. Department of Environment and Labour regarding designation of Bras d'Or Lakes as a non-discharge

                      zone for boat sewage

                 *    N.S. Attorney General regarding sewage pollution
                 *    David Dingwall, Wallding International regarding sewage pollution
                 *    N.S. Minister responsible for Petroleum Directorate regarding potential drilling in the Bras d'Or watershed
                 *    N.S. Deputy Minister of the Environment regarding procedures and regulations governing septic tank,

                      holding tank and sewage disposal systems in the Bras d'Or watershed
                 *    N.S. Department of Environment and Labour regarding probable malfunctioning of the sewage treatment  

                      plant in Whycocomagh.
                 *    Warden, County of Inverness; Counsellor, Village of Whycocomagh and Chief, Waycobah Band regarding

                      operation of the sewage treatment plant.
                 *   Chief, Marine Policy Division and Dirctor, Technology and Science Secretariat with a suggestion for a

                      program to design and implement a residential sewage retrofit funded under the auspices of the

                      Canada/Nova Scotia memorandum of understanding for sustainable communities

                 *    Environment Canada regarding remediation of fish habitat in River Denys
                 *    Seaside Communications regarding the placing of a submarine cable across the Lakes.

  • Appearing on local radio phone in show to promote awareness of the vulnerablility of the Lakes
  • Producing public service anouncements for radio regarding the Bras d'Or Lakes
  • Producing posters promoting awareness of water quality for display in local newspapers
  • Acted as sponsor and administered an oyster reseed/enhancement program funded by govenrnment in response to the oyster parasite (MSX) outbreak in the Lakes.


Research and monitoring


          *   Students produced a report that highlighted the key functions and roles that wetlands and barachois ponds

              play in the Bras d'Or Lakes ecosystem.

          *   Board members began a study of barachois ponds around the Bras d'Or Lakes.  Over 300 were catalogued

              and their properties noted.  Barachois range in size from a few square metres to over 30 hectares (74 acres).

              Data recorded included whether the barachois was open to the Lake or closed and whether there was fresh

              water input or not.


     Land development

          The Society employed a summer student to inventory and categorise subdivisions around the Lakes.  A total of 

          58 developments were documented; 4 in Cape Breton County, 36 in Richmond County and 18 in Victoria County.

          Information gathered included location, number of lots, average size of lot, number of shoreline lots, type of water

          supply and sewage disposal.



Summer employment

     The Society has employed one or two students annually during summer months to assist with research projects,

     three of which are noted above.


Financial support

     Biosphere Reserve designation project.

     Bras d'Or Lakes coordinator.

     Sewage disposal and recycling for Chapel Island Mission annual gathering in 2009.



     For a number of years the Society has sponsored essay contests for senior highschool students with monetary prizes to aid in furthering continued education at post secondary level.  Response has been poor, so this year the Society is expanding the contest to include other media in addition to the essay. The contest will be open to students at all grade levels in all Cape Breton schools.  More details on the events page.

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